1 result Results binding Bulletin of I.M.P masters.

Freinet educators … Add new comment Read more Atheism, a belief, an attitude by Catherine Chabrun on 17/08/10 – 11:01 in: Gr news ICEM Publishing a book John Christmas Even and the retrieval site. second degree ICEM – 12 euros ICEM Editions and Editions Libertarians Add comment know more your practice!

By Catherine Chabrun on 10/12/10 – 10:12 In: Gr news ICEM Publishing a book teaching Principles> Communication pedagogical principles> cooperation pedagogical principles> term-creation Pedagogical Principles> Communication> correspondence teaching techniques> class organization>. life class December 2010 the school correspondence, coll. Practice and Research, ICEM Editions, with CDs, 15 € Add a comment Read more The school in 10 years?

By Catherine Chabrun the 08/11/10 – 24:32 In: New Educator Gr news a book An issue that crosses imagination and analysis N’Autre School No. 27, review the CNT-FTE Add Comment Read more outrage. -you! By Catherine Chabrun the 08/11/10 – 24:24 In: Gr. New Educator news a book Stephane Hessel, Indigenous Publishing, € 3 Add Comment More Change college possible by Catherine Chabrun 13 / . 10/10 – 11:06 In: New Educator Gr news a book for our children and it is urgent!

Andre Giordan and Jerome Saltet, PlayBac Editions, 212 pp, € 18,90 Add linkedin helper
Comment More Children face daily violence by Catherine the Chabrun 03/11/10 – 11:58 In: Gr. New Educator news. Not a book review current violence – No.

313 – November / December 2010 Add comment Read more emotions in the classroom By Catherine Chabrun on 19/10/10 – 8:26 in: Gr. ICEM news Publishing a book This book was conducted within the departmental panel 95, with the contribution of Nathalie Allaire, Gilles Billotte Remi Brault Christian Deligne Jacqueline Dubbeld Agnes Merry and Maud Lechopier, 10 euros to order a comment more the Rules of life by Catherine Chabrun the 13/10/10 – 10:51 In: New Educator Gr news Pedagogy a book for young people and adults KORCZAK Janusz, coll.. . Janusz Korczak, FABERT Publishing, 2010, 140 pp, € 12 Add a comment Read more Educating men and citizens by Catherine the Chabrun 13/10/10 – 10:37 In: New Educator Gr news a book Reformers. social and education, 1830-1880 Alain Bataille and Michel Cordillot, Les Editions de Paris, 2010, 213 pp., € 16.50 Laurence reading Tips Bouchet Add a comment Read more 1 2 3 4 next> last »
1 result Results binding Bulletin of I.M.P masters. and No.

43-44 Enhancement Classes In: Congress a grade> special education liaison master classes Bulletin CEL For teachers journal Science and Techno> Technology Training and research> Training Teaching Principles> Communication> correspondence in April 1972 Supplement No. 43-44 tHE LAND oF MINORS April-May 1972 First report of the work done in the Specialized Sections Education Authors: A. Lemoine, Bernard Gosselin, D. Royo, Daniel Le Blay, Denise Vernet E. Floret Germain Raoux Helen Desangles-Hermet, Pierre Vernet and Pierre Yvin more

In: The Educator Editions of the Modern French School For Teachers Arts magazine in July 1947 http://www.icem-freinet.fr/archives/educ/46-47/19-20/8-13.pdf Author: Elise Freinet Print
In: The Educator Editions of the Modern French School For Teachers review Movements> Freinet movement> CEL July 1947 http://www.icem-freinet.fr/archives/educ/46-47/19-20/5- 8.pdf Author Freinet Print

9 Results Workshop Work Plan By Nicolas Zannettacci the 14/11/14 – 10:56 p.m. In: GD 11 – Aude report a Life Course of the cooperative classroom tool citizenship teaching techniques> Teaching techniques autonomy> class organization> teaching techniques work plan> management heterogeneity teaching techniques> personalization of learning teaching techniques> See individualized work attachments … And thank you Sylvain (Connac) for all your documents!

Add Comment 2 attachments Some kindergarten tops – March 2011 By Nicole Garcia on 01/03/11 – 11:46 In: Southwest> GD 82 – Tarn-et-Garonne Gr Kindergarten tool teaching techniques. > classroom organization> work Plan in response to a frequently renewed demand, as well as an expectation (among others) I had the time to start my PF, I propose a few work plans that I I built and I use in my class PS / MS / GS. They are of course … what they are: testing, continually modified, reworked interviewed. … (until their legitimacy in my operation!) 3 comments Read more 4 attachments Tools for Individual work (IT) in kindergarten – 2009 By Muriel Coirier on 07/12/09 – 7:51 p.m.

In: GD 86 -. Vienna Gr Kindergarten a life tool of the cooperative class citizenship teaching techniques> class organization> worktop teaching techniques> individualized work in this section we wanted to share the different tools we have developed for our classes. So you will find tools for teachers (log book, schedule …) but also tools for children (IT specifications, work plan …) Add a comment CR 5 attachments meeting GD66 For Alexandrine Gerrer on 14/03/14 – 8:08 p.m. in: GD 66 – Pyrenees-Orientales report meeting a teaching tool Technical> class organization> attached work plan of our meeting the minutes of 15/02 / 14 which concerned work plans (some accompanying CR).

Add a comment 5 attachments Next meeting of the GD88 By Antoine Cicolella 10/28/12 – 9:16 p.m. In: Greater East Region> GD 88 – Vosges Meeting a tool life of the cooperative class citizenship teaching techniques> class organization > work plan the next meeting of the Vosges group of the modern school GVEM will be held Tuesday, November 13 from 18:30 to IMPRO Darney in class Cedric Prevot June 35 45 June 71 Add Comment Read more boxes to store files …

By Nicolas Servajean on 05/01/11 – 11:22 in. Central East Region> GD 42 – Loire Gr Tools tool teaching Techniques> classroom organization> teaching techniques work plan> casework during a discussion during an internship the Site Tools, we talked about how to store files: files, boxes … in our department, we have a skilled handyman (Andre Laffont), which was inspired by an idea he gleaned nowhere to make boxes records storage.

1 comment Read more 1 attachment Strasbourg Congress – Workshop “The Pidapi tools” By Muriel Quoniam the 26/08/09 – 11:21 In: GD 34 – Herault report Congress a French tool Maths Teaching Techniques> class organization > teaching techniques work plan> individualized work tools PIDAPI Connac Sylvain and Cedric Serres 2 comments Read more 1 attachment during Sheets and level work surface 6. Plastic Arts by Laetitia Rigaud-Ceccaroli 15/12/09 – 6:14 p.m. in: document preparation a tool Arts> visual Arts teaching Techniques> class organization> worktop These are cards that students consult and choisisssent according to their tastes, during my 1st attempt individualized work . They have a work plan that the “forced” to work a listing “painting” and “drawing” card during this first period. I did not put all my cards, I fear it is too heavy.

The zm instructions are included in the work plan. Add a comment Read more 8 attachments Reporting Meeting November GD11: “How articulate the tools by the Institution Freinet” By Nicolas Zannettacci on 29/11/09 – 8:24 p.m.

In: GD 11 – Aude report meeting a teaching tool Technical> class organization> workshop teaching techniques> class organization> worktop teaching techniques> organizing class> life of the classroom teaching techniques> Technical institutional educational pedagogy> individualized work-meeting a meeting around a theme, to clarify and share our practices. Add comment 1 attachment
3 Results A Day in the CM1, CM2 in school Lucie Aubrac By Claude Beaunis the 04/05/10 – 11:03 In: a French slice of life movie Maths Life of the cooperative class citizenship pedagogical principles> cooperation> consulting teaching techniques> class organization> worktop teaching techniques> what’s new? teaching techniques> pedagogical techniques retrieval> math research The school Lucie Aubrac is located in Saint-Lumine de Clisson, south of the Loire-Atlantique.